Totem Poles

Totem Poles scatter the lands of the Pacific Northwest; some are modern creations and other totem poles are decayed by time and weather. For decades after colonization, the creation of these tribal records was outlawed, however in recent history, Native artisans and tradition bearers have begun to both recreate totem poles that have fallen victim to the elements and produce new poles to represent the stories, legacies and other vents within their tribe. Below are a few facts about totem poles and how they convey meaning within the tribe.

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Animated infographic on totem poles that reads "Totem poles serve as public depictions of family legacies, events and other important stories within a family or tribe.
Animated infographic on totem poles that reads "Every figure has a unique significance, no matter where it's placed on the totem pole.
Animated infographic on totem poles that reads "All totem poles are carved from the cedar tree, a wood that is central to the lives of many Native people in the Pacific Northwest."
Animated infographic on totem poles that reads "Types of totem poles include welcome poles, mortuary poles, memorial poles, house poles, crest poles and shame poles."
Animated infographic on totem poles that reads "Totem poles are most often erected in a ceremony called a 'potlatch,' held to commemorate events such as marriage, coming of age or death."
Animated infographic on totem poles that reads "Though many Native cultures are grounded in oral tradition, the totem pole is another means to document history."

Totem pole information and facts were assembled with the aid and expertise of Terena Hunt, an Indigenous woman of Kwakwaka’wakw and Tlingit heritage, born in Alert Bay, BC Canada. Terena is a proud mother to three and has two granddaughters. She is very active in her traditional way of life participating in ceremonies, researching family history and dedicating her career to the healing of Indigenous people in the Criminal Justice, Child Welfare and Education systems in Canada. Terena's traditional role as a lifegiver extends to guiding her children in the traditional ways of her people as well as sharing her knowledge with those seeking connection to the culture. She is also mother to Alan Hunt, whose ceremonial induction as Hereditary Chief was featured in Season 1, Episode 2 of Native America.


Lenz, Jane M. “On the Totem Trail.” Smithsonian Magazine. June 2001.

Stromberg, J. “The Art of the Totem Pole.” Smithsonian Magazine. Jan. 5, 2012.